Inđić and Velázquez
pages: 664-678
The aim of this paper is to call into question the logic of interpretation of the texts of Ortega y Gasset about Velázquez made by Trivo Inđić. The sociologist from Belgrade in his text „Ortega i Velaskes“ [„Ortega and Velázquez“] overlooked an important question which the philosopher from Madrid proposed with regard to his interpretation of Velázquez - what is actually the condition of possibility to comprehend the work of (this) painter? Painting is a mute form of expression. Ortega y Gasset asks - how to speak about the persons who do not speak? Because Trivo Inđić did not stress the importance of this question and did not discover this transcendental motif, his text will be problematized in that direction. Keywords: mutism, painting, José Ortega y Gasset, Trivo Inđić, Diego Velázquez
Damnjanović, Milan (1985): „Mesto estetike u filozofskom mišljenju Ortege i Gaseta“, Književna kritika 1 (16): 40–50.
Inđić, Trivo (1982): Savremena Španija, Beograd: Nolit.
— (1985a): Uspon masa, Beograd: IIC SSO Srbije.
— (1985b): „Ortega i Velaskes“, Književna kritika 1 (16): 33–39.
Maravall, José Antonio (1975): La Cultura del Barroco, Barcelona: Ariel.
Ortega y Gasset, José (1963-1969): Obras completas I–XI, Madrid: Revista de Occidente.
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