Democracy under siege: Democratic solidarity between global crisis and cosmopolitan hope


  • Hauke Brunkhorst University of Flensburg


Ključne reči:

growth, environment, secular stagnation, under-consumption, legitimization crisis, global capitalism, transnational democracy


For almost half a century (between 1940 and 1990) the democratic and social state has solved the twofold problem of growth and social exclusion through social inclusion within the borders of the national state. This solution since the 1970s came under threat of multiple crises of the environment, secular stagnation, under-consumption, legitimization and constitutionalization. There might be a social solution of present crisis possible through massive redistribution plus decent basic income (on the level of tuition-costs) plus green growth. However, after globalization of capital there are no longer national social alternatives available. Therefore, there is no alternative to transnational democratic state-formation. But are there actors relevant, strong and motivated enough to do that?


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