Relation of Science and Political Ideology with Examples from Science and Education Field in Relations between USSR and FPRY
DOI:čne reči:
Science, Science policy, Political ideology, Yugoslav Academic Council, FPRY, USSR.Apstrakt
Our intention is to consider the relation between science and political ideology in the case of the dynamics of the relation between the FPRY and the USSR, i.e. their science policies. In that sense, we will analyze the history of cooperation and the practical consequences of the break in 1948, in the field of the educational and scientific system of the FPRY, while considering economic and political transformation in context of the Cold War. We will show that in the scientific field in the FPRY, a transformation has also begun in accordance with this liberal turn, which in ideological terms led the society to the new ruling paradigm – Titoism. In relation to the previous, Marxist-Leninist position – due to which Yugoslavia, in terms of science policy and organization of science, as well as other fields, was modeled after USSR – the focus now has been moved from the thesis of interweaving science and social needs to the idea of „sovereignty“ of science. Tangible consequences of the influence of these liberal ideological elements in science and the educational system were a departure from social problems and atomization of scientific organization, while in the educational field, among other things, a decrease in the literacy rate is noted. Through this analyses of the scientific and educational social position in the context of these political changes, the conclusion can be drawn that this field, just like other social fields, was more or less subordinated to the market needs.
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