The forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import

pages: 332-342


  • Igor Cvejić Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade



My aim is to draw attention to the different forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import. The concept of import was introduced in the theory of action by Bennet Helm. It denotes an intentional characteristic of an object, to be viewed as worthy of pursuit or avoidance. However, according to Helm, the subject of import could be: either an individual person, the other or plural agent. Using this division in the context of social engagement, I propose to distinguish three forms of social engagement: (1) personal social engagement, (2) social engagement for the sake of others and (3) social engagement as togetherness. Social engagement as togetherness (plural agent) should not be confused with plural action with the same goal-directedness (which is part of personal social engagement). This argumentative step was enabled by Helm’s complex theory about “us” as a subject of import, contrary to some contemporary theorists who dispute the possibility of plural agents. Keywords: engagement, import, action, plural agents, we-intentions


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