Identity and singularity: Metastability and morphogenesis in light of Deleuze

pages: 334-350


  • Marcello Barison Center for Advanced Studies, Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka



The question of life is inextricably connected with the problem of identification and with the fact that each identification process includes the acquisition of a form. Nevertheless, it appears that at the biological level, that is, for what concerns a morphogenetic description of the status of the living being, the term singularity comes into play right there where you would expect to get into the notion of identity. According to Christian De Duve, the organic form has no identity, but it expresses - and is an expression of - a singularity. Given these observations, this is the object of the paper: to explain in a clear and consistent way how these terms - namely identity and singularity - differ and whether it is possible to ground their distinction in a coherent theoretical manner. Keywords: identity, singularity, metastability, morphogenesis, Gilles Deleuze, René Thom, Gilbert Simondon


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