The problem of aesthetic judgment: Perspectives of aesthetics
pages: 5-22
This paper deals with the interpretation of Kant’s Critique of Judgment from the perspective of aesthetics. Our aim here is to show the immanent relationship between the two main motifs of this work: the analysis of traditional aesthetic problems, such as beauty and taste, on the one hand, and the systematical thinking, philosophy, and Kant’s critical project, on the other. This interpretation is developed in consideration of the problem of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline, within which, for each of the motifs of Kant’s third critique it is shown how it redefines aesthetic into philosophical thought. Finally, the character of critical positioning of aesthetic problems in Kant is shown in light of the opening of the perspective of subjective universality as a theme that connects the two motifs of third critique, but also allows a different view in the domain of intersubjectivity. Keywords: Kant, Critique of Judgement, aesthetics, taste, subjective universality##submission.downloads##
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