Propheten des Mitleids: Herman Cohens Mitleidsbegriff als Tor zum Stern der Erlösung
pages: 35-45
The German-Jewish philosophers Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig, have - both in their own ways - produced systems of philosophy at a time that was supposed to be the time after systems. With their respective systems they - both in their own ways - transcended the apologetic stance of Jewish thought by placing the Jewishness of their thinking at a methodologically central point for “general philosophy.” However, the link between Cohen’s system and the Star of Redemption, is hard to find. Looking back from the perspective of a “return of religion” in late twentieth century, the essay proposes to see the link between both systems in Cohen’s notion of compassion. Keywords: prophets, poverty, compassion, theodicy, system, apologetics, return of religions##submission.downloads##
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