On the Economical Politics of Invention


  • Giustino De Michele Aix-Marseille Université, CIELAM



Ključne reči:

invention, deconstruction, economy, politics, Derrida, Levinas, Israel, Palestine, schematics, hospitality


This article tackles the question of invention in Jacques Derrida’s thought of deconstruction according to two perspectives. In the first part, drawing on “Psyché: Invention of the Other”, it examines its economic implications; in the second part, drawing on “A World of Welcome” and on the confrontation with Emmanuel Levinas, it examines its political im- plications. The problem at stake in both perspectives is the role of an idiomatic schematics (a sophistication of Kantianism, as Derida puts it) in fostering the potential invention of a counterinstitution. In the second part, while interrogating Derrida’s views on the possibility and means to deduce a politics from an ethics, we will encounter the current geopo- litical scenario, and notably the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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