Autography and Infrapolitics
DOI:čne reči:
infrapolitics, autography, passage, mourning, expatriation, singularity, deconstruction, existenceApstrakt
This article explores the relation between infrapolitics and autography in the work of Alberto Moreiras. This way, it offers a possible key to read Moreiras’ most recent publications Infrapolitics. A Handbook and Uncanny Rest in connection to his earlier production. The relation to autography emerges as inherent and necessary to infrapolitics, as well as key to understanding infrapolitics in terms of a turn of deconstruction toward existence. Autography reveals itself as the incision of singularity that enables the emergence of the reciprocal and imperative relationship of thought and existence that is constitutive of infrapolitics. The first part focuses on the inceptive role of autography with respect to a certain preliminary displacement of thought on which infrapolitics depends, and it traces the autography-infrapolitics connection back to the affective register of thought that Moreiras first enounced in his book Tercer espacio. The second part focuses on the essential role that such a connection plays, and it analyzes it with respect to three main aspects of infrapolitical thinking, namely, the idea of an an-archic non-passing passage, the relationship with death and the affinity with the work of mourning, and, finally, the connection with “expatriation”.
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