Integrated Foucault: Another Look at Discourse and Power


  • Marija Velinov Research Assistant, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade



subject, knowledge, archaeology, genealogy, problematising, continuity


This paper argues that there is continuity in Foucault’s thought, as opposed to the common division of his work into three phases, each marking a distinct field of research – discourse, power, subject. The idea is that there are no radical turns in his work that justify this division; rather, there is a shift of focus: all crucial concepts are present (more or less [in]explicitly) in all periods of his thought and in all of his undoubtedly differently-toned and oriented works. This is shown through examining the characteristics of archaeology and genealogy, their relation, as well as the relation of discursive practices and strategies of power to knowledge. The retrospective and (re)interpretation intend to shed light on the constant interplay between concepts that demonstrate continuity in Foucault’s thought. The viewpoint, based in the integrity of Foucault’s work, offers a better starting point for understanding certain aspects of his theories.


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How to Cite

Velinov, M. (2018) “Integrated Foucault: Another Look at Discourse and Power”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 29(4), pp. 533–544. doi: 10.2298/FID1804533V.