Speech, time and suffering: Rosenstock-Huessy’s Post-Goethean, Post-Christian sociology

pages: 179-204


  • Wayne Cristaudo School of Creative Arts and Humanities, Charles Darwin University




Abstract Five years ago, a new three volume edition of Eugen Rosenstock- Huessy (to translate) In the Cross of Reality: A Post-Goethean Sociology appeared in Germany. As with the two prior editions of the work (a one volume version in 1925, and a much revised and expanded two volume version 1956/8) it met with almost no critical response. This is perhaps not surprising - and it barely mentions any other sociologists, its approach is highly idiosyncratic, it is as much anthropology and history as it is sociology. Indeed, the second and third volumes mainly focus on the social formations of antiquity, and the role of Christianity and the messianic revolutions of the last millennium in creating a universal history. In this paper I take the relationship between speech, time and suffering as the key to Rosenstock-Huessy’s argument for why a theoretical grasp of Christianity as a social power is so important for social theory, and why he sees Sociology as a post-Christian form of knowledge. I also make the case for why Rosenstock-Huessy is an interesting and important social theorist. Keywords: names, tribes, empires, city-states, Israelites, Christianity, revolutions, post-Christian


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How to Cite

Cristaudo, W. (2015) “Speech, time and suffering: Rosenstock-Huessy’s Post-Goethean, Post-Christian sociology: pages: 179-204”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 26(1). doi: 10.2298/FID1501179C.

