Worldly Community and Community of Blood in The Star of Redemption: A Critical Approach From Helmuth Plessner’s Anthropology


  • Roberto Navarrete Alonso Faculty of Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid



society, community, politics, religion, blood


This work offers a critical approach to Franz Rosenzweig’s conception of community in The Star of Redemption based on Helmuth Plessner’s political anthropology. First, it presents Plessner’s critique of social radicalism and of the apoliticism of the German spirit, and its parallelism with the Jewish spirit. Second, it delves into the passage from Hegel und der Staat to The Star in a communitarian key. Third, it dwells on the difference between community of blood and community of faith in Rosenzweig, together with his theological-political translation into the distinction between the eternal people and the peoples of the world. Last, as a conclusion, it makes manifest the apoliticism of the Rosenzweigian proposal, and therefore, its incapacity to give an answer to the political problem in Weimar, of which its catastrophic consequences Rosenzweig did not know.


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How to Cite

Alonso, R. N. (2020) “Worldly Community and Community of Blood in The Star of Redemption: A Critical Approach From Helmuth Plessner’s Anthropology”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 31(4), pp. 451–466. doi: 10.2298/FID2004451N.