Karl Renner’s theory of national autonomy


  • Xabier Arzoz Faculty of Law, National University of Distance Education (UNED)




national autonomy, Austria-Hungary, minority rights, federalism, multinational state, principle of personality, territorial autonomy, nation, self- determination, majority rule


Karl Renner’s theory of national autonomy has not been sufficiently taken into account by scholars due to difficulties in its reception and puzzling content. Neither liberal nor communitarian, his original theory combines individual rights with collective rights, territorial autonomy with personal autonomy, classical federalism with establishment of nations as constituent parts of the state. This paper will introduce the reader to Renner’s main concepts. It will start by presenting Renner’s ideas on the nation, the multinational state, the role of the majority principle, and the need for nations’ legal recognition by and within the state. Then, Renner’s core notion of national autonomy and its organisation through the personality principle will be discussed. Further, the paper deals with Renner’s concept of the representation of national interests at the federal or supranational levels. Lastly, it sums up the discussion and draws conclusions regarding Renner’s theory of autonomy in general.


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How to Cite

Arzoz, X. (2020) “Karl Renner’s theory of national autonomy”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 31(3), pp. 301–318. doi: 10.2298/FID2003301A.

