‘If you are a girl, stay at home’ – an ethnographic examination of female social engagement from the rural 19th century to contemporary politi cal protests in Macedonia


  • Ilina Jakimovska Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; University St. Cyril and Methodius; Skopje, Macedonia




gender roles, power struggle, women, protests, abortion, ethnography, Macedonia


Balkan history has been presented, in gender terms, as a history of oppressed women, stark patriarchy and male domination. This narrative has rarely been questioned, its echoes still lingering in the corridors of those disciplines that helped its creation and promotion. Being one of them, ethnology can, and should play a central role in the deconstruction of the role of women in the so-called traditional cultures, thus establishing a potential continuity between their past and their present struggles.


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How to Cite

Jakimovska, I. (2017) “‘If you are a girl, stay at home’ – an ethnographic examination of female social engagement from the rural 19th century to contemporary politi cal protests in Macedonia”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 28(1), pp. 41–50. doi: 10.2298/FID1701041J.

