Denationalization: Neoliberalism after Foucault

pages: 171-185


  • Marcello Barison Center for Advanced Studies, Southeast Europe, University of Rijeka



Starting from Michel Foucault’s considerations dedicated to economic knowledge (especially in Il faut défendre la société and Naissance de la biopolitique), this paper is about setting up a possible theoretical framework in which to situate the relationship between political power and neoliberalism as they appear in their modern articulation, analyzing in depth how international governmental organizations - such as, for example, the European Central Bank, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund - are involved in this process. Keywords: neoliberalism, denationalization, foucault, international organizations, European Central Bank


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How to Cite

Barison, M. (2016) “Denationalization: Neoliberalism after Foucault: pages: 171-185”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 27(1). doi: 10.2298/FID1601171B.

