Transcendental philosophy within perspectives of the romantic fragmentariness

pages: 69-87


  • Stanko Vlaški Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad



The relation of Jena romantics to Kant’s transcendental philosophy could be considered from the point of view of the romantic theory of the fragment. The author claims that fragmentariness had a transcendental character in the philosophical ref lections of Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis. That is the reason that they have acquired the opportunity of approaching to the immanent tension of Kant’s philosophical project. The problem of ref lection of relation between systematicity and incompleteness of knowledge and of man’s theoretical and practical side is among the most important. The author tries to evaluate the importance of Fichte’s version of critical idealism for romantics, considering the crucial romanticists’ intention of historization of transcendental idealism with the help of the fragment. Final chapter refers to recent interpretations of the romantic fragment which tend to ignore this intention. Keywords: Schlegel, Novalis, Kant, Fichte, fragment, fragmentariness, dialectic, transcendentality, history


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How to Cite

Vlaški, S. (2015) “Transcendental philosophy within perspectives of the romantic fragmentariness: pages: 69-87”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 26(1). doi: 10.2298/FID1501069V.

