Post-patriarchal Society and the Authority of Dialogue – on Free Faith, Atheism and the Meaning of Language


  • Želimir Vukašinović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology, Seminar for Humanities



faith, atheism, authority, thinking, post-patriarchal society, dialogue


The paper is an attempt at understanding the historic nature of the transition to postmodernity, metaphysically reflected in Nietzsche’s words “God is dead”, as it is, in its various aspects, manifested through the form of post-patriarchal society. Post-patriarchal society is interpreted here as an order of values anchored in the empty place previously held by original and ultimate authority. Within the context of the (un)certain end of metaphysics, it is, implicitly, necessary to explore the presuppositions on which religion and the meaning of language are based today. Thus, Nietzsche’s experience of the epoch will be considered in relation to Žižek’s perception of “a genealogical desert between man and God”, which provides a theoretical framework for the reinterpretation of our understanding of the relation between religion, atheism and modernity. 


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How to Cite

Vukašinović, Želimir (2023) “Post-patriarchal Society and the Authority of Dialogue – on Free Faith, Atheism and the Meaning of Language”, Filozofija i društvo/Philosophy and Society. Belgrade, Serbia, 34(3), pp. 474–482. doi: 10.2298/FID2303474V.