Bourdieu’s Theorization of Social Capital in the Analysis of South-East European Societies
Bourdieu, social capital, post-socialism, hybrid societies, South-East EuropeAbstract
This article discusses the significance of social capital in Bourdieu-inspired analyses of contemporary South-East European societies. We first recapitulate Bourdieu’s theorization of social capital, emphasizing that it allows different operationalizations expressly because of its rather abstract theoretical character. Following that, we explain what is meant by “South- East European societies” and that their inequality-generating mechanisms are largely based on social closure. In the central part of the article, we comment on some attempts at operationalization of social capital in the SEE region. While we also discuss two cases of eclectically mixing Lin’s operationalization with Bourdieusian concepts, at the center of our attention is the elaboration of Bourdieu’s theorization of social capital put forward by the Serbian sociologist Predrag Cvetičanin. The relevance of his concepts of “social capital of solidarity” and “social capital of informal connections” for the study of class relations in post-socialist societies in South-East Europe highlights the advantages of a consistent application of the Bourdieusian framework in a contemporary (post-Bourdieusian) context.
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