Contemporary Islamic Political, Religious, and Social Thought in the Pre and Post-Arab Spring Era: Mapping the Field
The Editorial Team of Philosophy and Society, an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal issued by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its 2024 Special Issue which is dedicated to the topic “Contemporary Islamic Political, Religious, and Social Thought in the Pre and Post-Arab Spring Era: Mapping the Field.” The Special Issue will be guest-edited by Emin Poljarević (Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, SOASCIS, UBD) and Ivan Ejub Kostić (Research Fellow, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade).
This Special Issue aims to explore the multifaceted landscape of modern Islamic thought, focusing on the transformative era surrounding the Arab Spring, and especially the Post-Arab Spring period. We invite analyses that delve into the complex interplay of Islamic political theory, and the impact of and driving forces behind social movements, including evolving Muslim governance discourses within the diverse socio-religious contexts of Islamicate societies.
The objective is to stimulate scholarly discussions that reveal the recent developments in Islamic political thought, the variety of socio-political movements it has spurred, and its crucial role in addressing contemporary challenges within Islamicate societies, particularly over the past two decades. We, therefore, encourage contributors to delve into the works of prominent Islamic thinkers and movements, unraveling the theoretical and practical frameworks that shape the political and social discourses of Muslim and Islamist thinkers and activists. The focus should be on illuminating how these discourses are both influenced by and influence the realities of the modern world.
Our goal is to create a wide-ranging overview that encapsulates the richness and diversity of Islamic political thought as it responds to, shapes, and anticipates socio-political transformations within diverse Muslim communities globally. We eagerly anticipate contributions from various disciplines to this interdisciplinary and dynamic discourse.
In this issue, we have identified six key themes and research areas for exploration. While these themes serve as a guide for our academic inquiry, they are not exhaustive. We warmly welcome submissions on related topics that align with the broader objectives of the issue, providing fresh perspectives and insights into the dynamic intellectual tradition of contemporary Islamic thought.
The Evolution and Impact of Islamic Political Theory in the Pre- and Post-Arab Spring Eras
This theme invites exploration of Islamic political theory's nuances during these transformative periods. It emphasizes discourse on ideal governance models, the role of social movements, the impact of secular and liberal ideologies on Muslims' collective political consciousness, and Islamic thinkers' crucial role in addressing contemporary socio-political dilemmas.
The Critique of State-Sponsored Nationalization of Islam: A Cross-Cultural Analysis
This theme calls for scholarly scrutiny of state efforts to nationalize and institutionalize Islam. It focuses on how such strategies shape the political and religious practices of activists within specific geopolitical and cultural contexts.
The Dynamics of Islamic Political and Social Activism in Minority and Majority Contexts
This theme seeks to examine the distinct yet overlapping trajectories of political and social activism among Muslim populations in different geopolitical contexts. It particularly emphasizes exploring the main divergences and convergences in their approaches.
Islamism as a Socio-Political Force in the Post-Arab Spring Era
This theme probes the emerging intellectual trends among Islamists and their evolving strategies for engaging with, critiquing and shaping socio-political and religious structures in the post-Arab Spring context.
Islamic Liberation Theology: Discourses and Practices in the Pre and Post-Arab Spring Era
This theme explores the implications of Islamic Liberation Theology in the pre-and post- Arab Spring era. Studies that investigate the theoretical advancements, socio-political influences, and activist practices associated with Muslim acts of resistance and explore questions related to dynamics of social justice, repression, poverty relief, and other forms of theologically centered liberation within Islamicate societies are particularly welcomed.
Exploring Potential Paradigm Shifts in Future Islamicate Societies
This theme provides an open-ended, forward-looking opportunity for discussing potential social, political, and cultural changes in Islamicate societies, informed by historical contexts and contemporary developments.
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 1, 2023
Notification of Accepted Abstract: November 15, 2023
Paper Submission Deadline: April 1, 2024
General Guidelines: Papers should be between 5.000 and 10.000 words in length, written in English, and follow the ASA citation style. For further information about the Journal’s guidelines for authors, please see the Submissions page.
Review Process: All submitted papers will be subjected to the double-blind peer-review process.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Guest Editor(s) at:
Emin Poljarević:
Ivan Ejub Kostić: